
Hi, I’m

and I teach entrepreneurs
how to make money in their sleep
without guessing
so they can build a life of financial freedom.


You don’t need to be overwhelmed, working 24/7, wracking your brain for daily content ideas, or awkwardly
DM’ing strangers in order to make a great living as a health and fitness coach.

You also don’t need to be putting on a fake personality, pretending to be someone you’re not,
or trying to be Ms. or Mr. Perfect online all the time.

Actually… it’s BETTER IF YOU DON’T.

If you want to learn how to grow and market your business
authentically and simply, you’re in the right place.

Ready to get started?

“It’s been a game-changer for my business.”

Ashley Shaw’s stuff has been an incredible guideline for me to learn, supplement what I’m doing, and really provide me with great language to create freebies and emails that people wanna open up! It’s been a game-changer for my business. I now collect emails and freebies, I send out regular emails, and my business works so much more seamlessly.

– Bria

“I can focus my time on what I enjoy the most and that’s supporting my clients!”

I used to be really inconsistent in my social media posts and there was never any structure or logic to what I was posting. But then I heard about Ashley and since then I can honestly say that my posts are completely different. They’re a world apart from what they were. There’s logic in my posting. There’s a clear structure. I’m actually sharing the business opportunity as well as the fitness side of things. And most importantly, the support I have from Ashley has meant I can focus my time on what I enjoy the most and that’s supporting my clients.

– Jo

“I’ve got 50 clients below me and I am over the moon in love!”

I’m a Beachbody coach and have been for about one and a half years. I basically was Emerald within the business community and I lost it. And I couldn’t find how I was going to be able to get back to the ranks I wanted — and I wanted to be Diamond, at least. So I started listening to personal development and that’s where I found Ashley’s podcast and then I joined her Facebook groups and started following her tips, tricks, posting methods, and she was able to help me add my own flair to things which was amazing and now I’m almost Diamond.

– Kristi

Okay, so I love to introduce myself with my (literal) origin story…

because my mom went into labor in a Gold’s Gym parking lot, yes, actually.
So when I say that I was “born” into the health and fitness industry, I mean that literally.

After 16 years in the industry, teaching sales to fitness pros and climbing the ranks to president of a major fitness company, I decided to pursue my dream.

With so many health and fitness coaches moving online, I saw that they needed help and I had a HUGE vision for a fitness leadership community.

So I started helping passionate coaches with their marketing and sales.

That turned into an entire library of Done-For-You marketing tools that have now helped 49,000 of coaches start, grow, and scale their online business with authenticity and ease.

Hi, I’m

and I help network marketers
get off the hey gurl hamster wheel so they can build an
authentic + profitable business.
